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Sewers, Sea Life, Sanitary Products and Beaches.

9th July 2018

Sewers, Sea Life, Sanitary Products and Beaches.

Toilet roll is designed to break down very quickly when wet, unfortunately sanitary products by their nature are designed in the opporsite way. Their main purpose is to soak up liquid and moisture and are usually made of cotton, rayon, plastic and a whole host of other additives that vary depending on the manufacturer.

Tampons and Sanitary Towels are specifically designed to be super-absorbent and disposed of immediately after use. As such, they end up in our sewers, they absorb large quantities of liquid from the sewer and expand in size. These then combine with other products in the sewer, fat and grease and start to cling to each other and we have the start of a fatburg forming.

The plastic that is woven into the fabric of a tampon causes problems for our sewers and environment on a whole. More than 80% of a single use sanitary products contains non biodegradable synthetic materials or plastic.

For every one kilometre of UK beach there is approximately 9 plastic tampon applicators found.

There is evidence that plastic has been ingested by sea life, and in turn this plastic has moved through the food chain and it is estimated that humans could be eating up to 11,000 microscopical pieces of plastic every single year. We don't yet know how this will effect our health, but it can't be good!

You can help control this by using environmentally friendly and reusable sanitary wear and only flushing Pee, Poo and Paper down the toilet, flushing anything else can lead to problems such as blockages. Metrorod Norwich can help unblock problems that occur on your premises by either rodding, plunging or using high power water jetting to clear the obstruction.

Please spread the word about responsible use and disposal of sanitary products.

Lets keep our oceans, food chain and beaches as clean as they can be. ...and lets just pause to remember that the Norfolk coastline is absolutely glorious!!!  https://www.visitnorfolk.co.uk/inspire/top-10-beaches.aspx.


All you have to do is:-

Remember Pee, Poo, and Paper only.

Dispose of Sanitary Products in the bin.

Consider re-usable Sanitary Products.

Take your rubbish home with you.

..... and also take an additional three pieces of  rubbish from the beach to bin,responsibly.

Beach Clean Up Accepted Waste


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